viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008

Argumentative Essay about using technology in the 21st century

Nowadays, Technology has been an important knowledge of tools and crafts used to help people in many different life aspects in order to generate effiency and optimize time, money and any kind of resource. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. But at the same time many technological processes produce unwanted by products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment.

Firstly, technology refers to tools and machines that may be used to solve real world problems fulfill needs or satisfy wants for the benefit of life. A modern example, is the rise of communication technology, which has lessened barriers to human interaction and, as a result, has helped spawn new subcultures; the rise of cyber culture has, at its basis, the development of the Internet and the computer. Not all technology enhances culture in a creative way; technology can also help facilitate political oppression and predating both science and engineering, each of which formalize some aspects of technological endeavor.

In the other hand, technology has been creating in human being a directly dependency of the using of this tools according to develop any type of activity as an economic, political, social and environmental issues. A good example of this is the relevant use of machines, cars, etc, that increase the contamination of the environment, firstable because produce a big number of CO2 that enlarge the consequences of global warming, and secondly because make people a little lazy in order to making the less possible effort.

To sum up, technology is a wonderful tool that helps our societies with the improvement of global economy, consecutively bring a lot of innovation and medical support to cure people disease and develop an efficient and productive procedures or human actions. In addition, various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Due to, the problems about pollution and global warming has been taking a significant conscience of people to start having control in the use of technology and how our action affects the environment.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008

Argumentative essay about Learning for life

Nowadays College to many people means that it is the opportunity to learn and absorb knowledge to prepare them for life, to others it means they are finally free of supervision and it is their time to have fun and enjoy themselves. Then there are those who try to combine both and either succeed or fail in order to have a balance in their life, just taken the relevant aspect that helps them to improve and be better every day.

Firstly, as a human being we all make mistakes, but the one thing that comes out of these mistakes, is we usually learn a lesson. Making errors is human nature, none of us are exempt. That is even true in habitual activities when we think are certain of our procedure to obtain a good grade in a class, but sometimes the result doesn’t show as well we want to or was not the expected, there is when we have to figure out and consider other ways to be more efficient and productive in life, applying the experience life that we are having according to look up and expand our accomplishment.

Even thought, we know that bad habits are detrimental to cognition in general. There are new studies that show drinking to excess, bad eating, and partying have devastating effects on learning and memory. College may be one of the worst possible environments to learn something and retain it.

For example, a normal person spends one third of their lives asleep. Stanford University recently surveyed undergraduates and medical students and found that 80% of them were sleep deprived. The National Sleep Foundation poll found that young adults got only 6.8 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is crucial to declarative memory which helps us.

To sum up, the cognition knowledge in students depends on the method that people use to improve their field of study, the relevant issue here is to have a balance between learning process in college life and also to have some fun, not having excess in any way because that affect the mental wealthy ,but having few extra curriculum activities that growth the analytical capacity in people ,in sequence to learn easily .That as a the same time help to get away the student from the problems and schoolwork week , giving them space to think of how things are going .

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

Culture Shocks in 21 first century

Nowadays in a globalized world people from all over the world emerge to live cordially with each other cultures. Due to we have to deal with culture shocks, specially because creates a melt pot since each person brings his customs to enrich the culture of this country, but sometimes this experience takes difficulties and anxiety between people, consequently appears symptoms such an apathy, and exclusion that may be characterized by behavioral disorders, such as xenophobia which can be manifested by the affected individual.

Firstly, Culture shock is a state of incomprehension, anxiety, disorientation and suffering as an individual suddenly exposed to a social or cultural environment radically different from his own. A good example of this situation It happens frequently for the international students and immigrants where cultural conflicts become visible not only when students come to school and learn new ways of living there, also to get adapted from different beliefs and religion thoughts of the society which are challenged by intellectual interested for deeper understandings. At the time the country where they are living feels a rejection to new changes expressed by xenophobia and sometime with violence acts that shows the ignorance of the people to expand their possibilities and thoughts.

Despite that, cultural mixes in countries brings benefits to the society in order to know better some aspect of other cultures that probably sometime we haven’t hear or be familiar with, that provide to the people the opportunity to don’t believe in external forces judgments , and excluding them to the community because they are from somewhere. In addition to that, this experience brings a direct connection with all over the world and may be very persuasive and reasonable to many people according to understand that the world is not a standard practice.

To sum up, the main reason that people experience cultural shock in other countries is basically because citizens practiced a particular culture as they are basis on, being so strongly attached to their own culture. Due to they sometimes forget to be respectful and open to know relevant aspects from different societies, generating ethnocentrism in their countries , that´s why is significant to improve international exchanges between countries in order to produce an interconnected societies .