lunes, 4 de agosto de 2008

Disadvantages of a Globilized World

Argumentative essay

Nowadays Globalization offers huge potential profits to companies and nations but has been complicated by widely differing expectations, standards of living, cultures and values, and legal systems as well as unexpected global cause-and-effect relationship. Specially when underdeveloped countries are not able to compete against richest countries in a globalized world, because those countries lose their competitive advantage in social, economic, and political aspects as a labor exploitation and being unable to find the opportunity to hang in an open market.

Firstly, we have to recognize that a globalized world give you an idea about Increase probability of economic disruptions in one nation effecting all nations in particular with economical, social and political differences between them. Even thought the increased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs from developed to developing nations as corporations seek out the cheapest labor, which means that undeveloped countries will have the chance to find more opportunities to work, and decrease their unemployment rate but doesn’t mean that the manufacturing industry in those countries will be expanding and getting stronger in the open market.

An example of that is when Latin American people go to other countries in order to have a better opportunities life, work and progress than they think they will have in their own countries, they usual cant find or have the better choices because they are from an underdeveloped country and they get discriminated for that, in other cases they work as everybody else and they don’t get well paid or just they don’t receive the money what they deserve. In a general way a multinational or big companies see the opportunities to reduce cost in an underdevelopment countries, which in short term brings benefits, but in long term will be affecting the improvement of the national companies in the internal and external market.

To sum up the globalization brings to some countries really good earnings, the most important thing is to use properly all the resources and advantages that each country has as knowledge, cheapest labor, technology, capital, etc, in order to improve national industries. Despite that underdeveloped countries have to understand that they have to care more that anyone else their business ,because the external investment to the country is not bad, the effects is to not permit the abuse of those companies ,as a consequence will be decreasing their advantages that could gives them problems as to closed national industries or to forget improve their competences against them, so its relevant to use those advantage to growth as a country but not being depending of them .

By Adriana Fuentes Amorocho

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