jueves, 21 de agosto de 2008


This blog is going to present all the relative aspect about the 21st century lifestyle , making commentaries , and showing some videos, audio ,clips,songs and any kind of documnet that compare the way how people change their life.

The 21st century lifestyle is been changing in technology , cultural , social and economic aspect that shows how the society improve in order to maintain a better quality life.

Some Definitions:
CULTURALSHOCK:is when people have problems to adapting in other or differents social enviroments that affect them according to their thougths and beliefs making tension and argues between them.
LIFESTYLES: is the way how people life and enjoy their live.
SUCCESS: is the achievement of people goals ans dreams , when they obtain all the things they want to have in their social , political , cultural and economic aspects.
LEADERSHIP: is a competence and value that some person have , in order to lead a group of people to respond and figth for they needs and goals of all the poeple who believe and follow him.
LEARNING: is a mental capacibility that people have to improve their knowledge and keep new information in their brain.

1 comentario:

---------xxxxxxx------------ dijo...

Wow this introduction is too big lol!!