miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

Strategies to be a better student in a reading and listening exercises

Pre reading strategies
The first strategy that I choose is to Brainstorming, which consist to examine the title of the selection you are about to read, then you list all the information that comes to mind about this title, using these pieces of information to recall and understand the material also as a relevant knowledge to reframe or reorder what you know, or to note what you disagree with, for further research.

The second strategy is about to preview the vocabulary , which means to find or look for the unfamiliar words, because need to be taught to you before reading so that new words, background information, and comprehension can improve together. Then try to list all words in the assignment that may be important for you to understand. Arrange words to show the relationships to the learning task. Add words you probably understand to connect relationships between what is known and the unknown.

While reading strategy

Firstly you can guess some word meanings by using context clues, word formation clues or cognates scanning and skimming for specific pieces of information, which will be helping you to predicting text content, then you have to identify the topic sentences that contain the main idea of the paragraph using visual and sensory images such as graphic organizers to identify the main idea or themes of a text.

Secondly is significant to recognizing lexical clues as a strategy because will be facilitate you to distinguish between fact and opinion in a text, then identify connecting ideas via connectors, also is useful to s rereading, to repair comprehension when it breaks down so you will be pay, attention to the grammatical function of unknown words or any context in the text.

After reading strategy

The first strategy to follow is using graphic organizers, which is help the learner to organize information and make connections. At a more challenging level, they can be used to create frameworks for relationships between concepts in a short , or long text.
Other significant strategy will be Peer practice, when you review, drill, and rehearse in pairs or in small groups of three or four, in order to consolidate their understanding or enhance skill development, according what you read or listen.

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